Hear what's happening Behind the Scenes at Miracle Channel this summer

It's hard to believe we're already more than halfway through 2024!

We hope you had an amazing Canada Day celebrating our nation with friends and family. Be sure to continually pray for our country throughout the month. There is so much work to be done to bring the truth about Jesus to every Canadian and together we can make that vision a reality.

In this month's episode of Behind the Scenes at Miracle Channel, Jeff Thiessen (Vice President) and David Craig (Director of Programming and Development) share how you can partner with us to continue making this summer a significant one for the Kingdom of God. You'll also hear updates on outreaches that are making a huge impact on Canadians and hear two exclusive interviews!

Help make this summer significant!

Right now, we're in the middle of Summer of Significance. This summer is an opportunity for you to not only help us step into significance as a ministry but also for you to step into significance in your own life.

What does it mean to step into significance?

It means that instead of merely walking in personal success, you move into a place of impacting those around you in a big way.

Walking in significance as a ministry means we can reach Canada with the truth about Jesus in new and relevant ways. Whether that's increased broadcast reach around the world or a growing online presence with cutting-edge content that has the Gospel at its foundation—we want to be equipped to do it all!

To kick off Summer of Significance we had four live broadcasted telethons in the month of June. We are so grateful for every person who tuned in, generously gave, and called in for prayer. It was a huge blessing to connect with you as the Miracle Channel Family in that way. We've heard so many testimonies and stories of healing since the live airings and can't wait to hear even more in the upcoming months!

When you partner with us this summer and give $250 or more in support of Summer of Significance we'd love to send you Dr. Jim Richards's book The Anatomy of a Miracle. This book was featured in the live telethons where Dr. Richards had a chance to teach on walking in miracles in your everyday life. We know that this book will change your perspective on miracles and help you understand that they are available to you as a believer.


*Offer available to Canadian residents only.

Meet Cebrina from the Miracle Channel Donor Relations team!

Although Miracle Channel is based out of Lethbridge, Alberta, we also have a hard-working team based in Winnipeg, Manitoba! This month, we want to introduce you to Cebrina, a member of our Donor Relations Team in the Winnipeg office.

Watch this clip to see Cebrina's interview and hear the impact your donations and support are making around the world. She'll also share how she has been impacted and encouraged when connecting with members of the Miracle Channel Family each day.

We're creating a family devotional!

In case you missed it, we recently hosted a fundraiser called Train Up Your Kids to raise funds for a family devotional we're creating!

Our dreams for the future are to have a full kids focused ministry here at Miracle Channel—complete with programming, books, and resources for parents and kids. This family devotional is the first step in making that dream a reality.

Right now, kids are growing up in a world where pressures are coming at them from all sides. Fear, anxiety, loneliness, and so much more are pushing for their attention each day. It's so important to raise kids who are planted in God's Word, know the unconditional and powerful love of God and can walk through life knowing that He is always with them. That's the goal of this new devotional we're creating, but we can only do it with your help.

When you donate in support of Train Up Your Kids, your giving goes towards raising a generation that knows who they are and who's they are! Donate today to help us create this devotional that we know will make a big impact on so many families.


Hear from one of the Devoted contributors

Devoted, our daily devotional, was started by our former CEO Leon Fontaine. Since his passing in 2022, his children: Zach Fontaine, Eden Fontaine-Shimoda, and Michala Fontiane-Stannard, along with Jeremy Prest and David Craig, have taken up the mantle.

Now, when you receive Devoted online (or in a physical copy), you'll see devotionals by the above contributors as well as devotionals by Leon from the archives.

Watch this month's episode of Behind the Scenes at Miracle Channel to hear an interview with one of the Devoted contributors, Michala Fontaine-Stanard!

Visit miraclechannel.ca/devoted to learn more about the different versions of Devoted, sign up for the daily devotional, and donate to support the outreach.

Send us Your Prayer Request

We take God at His Word. If He promises it in the Bible, you can take hold of it by faith because of Jesus. If there's something on your heart you'd like us to pray for, fill out this form.

*When you submit your prayer request with this form, you'll get a series of emails to encourage you as you believe for a breakthrough. If you're not interested in these emails, send your prayer request via email by clicking this link.

Bring the truth about Jesus to Canada.

Give to support Miracle Channel special programming.