The Holy Spirit Bundle

When you learn to get in tune with Holy Spirit, He can lead you to opportunities, transformation, and miracles greater than your wildest dreams. This resource bundle includes:

  • Always With You: 5 Roles of Holy Spirit (interactive workbook)
  • Led By Holy Spirit (Walk in the Word Scripture declarations)
  • Staying Filled With Holy Spirit (audio message by Leon Fontaine)
  • And a durable, vinyl sticker based on 1 John 4:13

Receive this month's bundle for a one-time gift of $50 or more.
Or get all 12 bundles for the year for a one-time gift of $420 or a recurring gift of $35+ monthly.



Discover How Holy Spirit Works in Your Life

Maybe the topic of Holy Spirit brings up some confusion or questions for you. This month's bundle of resources will lay out the roles of Holy Spirit and clear up any misconceptions you may have so He can work His power in your life!

Interactive Devotional Workbook: In the Always with You: 5 Roles of Holy Spirit workbook, you'll discover how Holy Spirit works and speaks. He's not just a vapour in the sky, He is a person living inside of you!

Audio Message: Listen to Leon Fontaine's message, Staying Filled With Holy Spirit, when you scan the QR code in the back of the book.

Scripture Declarations: Take the five scriptures on being led by Holy Spirit and declare them out loud in your life.

High-Quality Vinyl Sticker: Use this sticker based on 1 John 4:13 and stick it somewhere that you can be reminded that Holy Spirit is in you.

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Enjoy your interactive workbook, audio message, declarations and sticker! Take the next steps to study God's Word and walk towards a brighter future.

Become a Monthly Giver

When you become a monthly donor, you'll not only receive a monthly bundle of resources designed to help you grow closer to Jesus, but your donation will pay it forward and change other people's lives with the truth from God's Word. Become a monthly giver today and begin the transformation in your life and the lives of others!

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