Devoted Journal: Dreams and Goals

Audio Download

*Available with a minimum donation of $

Do you have a dream on your heart for this year? You are destined for great things, and God wants to help you dream bigger! It starts with getting into His Word and letting it create a new vision in your heart.

This month's special Devoted Journal features 20 days of devotionals centred on the topic of dreams and goals. Use the extra space to take notes and write down your own prayers and goals for the future. As you make the Word personal and apply it to your life, you'll see those dreams start to become reality!

P.S. If you'd rather have this series sent to you in CD form, call to make a donation at 1.800.414.2545 and request your copy from Barb or Cebrina. They will be happy to send you a copy!

Devoted Journal: Dreams and Goals

Devoted Journal: Dreams and Goals

Audio Download

*Available with a minimum donation of $
Devoted Journal: Dreams and Goals

Like you, we're troubled by the world moving further away from God. And like you, we know that it's when people understand Jesus' love that real change happens. This is why your donation matters.

Because of your giving, every person in Canada will have the chance to know the truth about a God who loves them.

P.S. If you'd rather have this series sent to you in CD form, call to make a donation at 1.800.414.2545 and request your copy from Barb or Cebrina. They will be happy to send you a copy!