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March 13, 2023

For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile. Romans 1:16 (NLT)

The good news Paul is talking about in our verse today seems almost too simple: we are right with God just because we trust in Jesus. In fact, it’s so straightforward that many people trip on it.

We’ve been cultured to believe that we need to earn everything we get, so the idea of salvation being a completely free gift seems too good to be true. But it is the truth.

Jesus gave His life to pay the penalty for the sin of mankind. As believers, we may still suffer earthly consequences when we make poor choices, but God is not angry with us. He’s not out to punish His kids.

No matter what we do or fail to do, if we’ve accepted Christ, Jesus sealed the deal so that every one of God’s promises is ours.

Some will say that every promise in the Bible has an “if” attached to it, and you have to meet certain conditions before you will get the promise. Actually, that was only true in the Old Testament. The agreement Jesus made with God says that when you follow Jesus, every promise is “Yes” and “Amen” through Him (2 Corinthians 1:20, NLT). Don’t get tricked out of the power of the Gospel because it seems too simple!

Remember, you don’t have to earn God’s blessings in your life. You just need to access them! Jesus paid the price and qualified you for every blessing of God. It really is that simple!

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