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November 27, 2022

These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: …In my name… they will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed. Mark 16:17–18 (NLT)

When I worked in emergency rescue, I was exposed to the pain and destruction that disease and trauma brings to people’s lives. I witnessed how illness eats away at a person—first their energy levels, then their ability to enjoy life, and finally their will to live. I realized the heartbreaking aftermath when tragic accidents result in death or crippling injuries. It was during this time in my life when healing became very special to me.

We encounter people who need healing every day. You may be dealing with a health issue right now. If so, you don’t need to be convinced of the importance of understanding how and why God heals. However, even if you and your family are completely healthy, you likely know someone who suffers from a disease and you can see the fear it brings into their life.

Over the next few days, we’re going to cover seven principles you need to know about healing miracles, and I want you to open your heart and mind. Even if you don’t need it today, this series will help you to be ready if you do need healing one day. Also, it will equip you for when you meet someone who is going through a struggle with their health to know how to share your testimony, bring hope and see miracles through simple prayer.

You can see miracles take place in people’s lives. This is not something that is reserved for pastors, evangelists or missionaries. Jesus said that healing would be a sign that would follow those who believe, so believe with me today!

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