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March 4, 2023

After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel. Judges 2:10 (NLT)

Just because we follow Jesus doesn’t mean the next generation will. We can’t assume that they will tag along. Actually, it is possible for one generation to be responsible for losing the next.

Joshua was a great leader, but Judges 2:10 says that after Joshua’s generation passed away, the next generation didn’t know God or what He had done for them. In fact, verse 12 says that they abandoned God and worshiped the gods of the people around them. Despite the significant things Joshua’s generation did for God, they failed to bring the next generation with them.

How could these mighty warriors let an entire generation get so far off track? I wonder if Joshua’s generation assumed that the next generation would just follow suit. Maybe they didn’t think they had to make an effort to pass on their passion for God to their kids.

That’s the mistake we’re making today! We have to go after the next generation on purpose. It’s not about making church comfortable for us and hoping they come along for the ride.

The next generation should be able to stand on the shoulders of the previous, so it’s our job to equip them, encourage them, lift them up and spur them on.

It’s not too late! We can share what Jesus has done for us in living colour and with emotion. We can share stories with the kids and teens in our world about the power of God. Let’s include them in our plans and get them excited about their future with God.

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