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May 3, 2022

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16 (ESV)

Rules help us live together. Although following them does not determine God’s love for us, they do serve a purpose.

For example, I absolutely love our family get-togethers. However, when the family all comes together at Grandma’s, what helps everything run smoothly? Grandma’s house rules.

Now, we don’t follow her rules so that she’ll love us—we already know she does. We obey them because they create order and help all twenty-five people get along, with kids everywhere and a meal to serve. Imagine what frustrations would arise without the benefit of those rules!

It’s the same reason we teach our kids manners. It isn’t so we’ll love them more. It’s to help them fit in socially and get along with others.

God’s Word helps us in the same way. You see, the Bible is not a rule book on how to make God love us—He already does. However, as a caring parent, He also packed wisdom-based principles into His Word to help us out socially. Why?

Because following wise principles helps us co-exist with others in the best possible way. Take Proverbs 15:1 (ESV) as just one example. It says, “A soft answer turns away wrath.” That’s a great principle to remember when conversations turn heated.

God’s wisdom helps us in every area of our earthly relationships. Today, take the time to read His Word and meditate on at least one principle you can apply in your daily life.

Remember: rules don’t determine our relationship status with God (Romans 5:18). But they do help us in our relationships with each other!

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