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May 21, 2023

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)

The last in our series of seven powerful prayers for moms is a crucial one:“I walk with God’s strength through every day.”

On a fishing trip one day, I looked up and saw an eagle soaring overhead. He wasn’t flapping hard. He wasn’t manufacturing the wind somehow. He was simply enjoying himself. When the Bible talks about rising with wings like eagles, that’s what I picture. What’s interesting is that the word wind in the Bible is often associated with Holy Spirit. When the wind of the Spirit hits your life, you rise up effortlessly like an eagle riding the air currents.

If you struggle to roll out of bed in the morning, I’ve found that’s exactly when I need to nip those thoughts of discouragement and weariness in the bud. You can quickly divert your attention by speaking God’s Word. First thing when you wake up, declare, “Today I’m going to run and not be weary. God’s strength and energy are mine. His mercies are new every morning.”

Moms, you have the precious privilege of being an anchor that holds your home steady. Instead of letting this responsibility weigh you down, tap into God’s supernatural power. Choose to declare the Word and renew your strength in Him.

I encourage you to go back over the past week of devotionals and save these seven declarations. Speak them daily over your life, and you’ll find God's power flowing through you effortlessly. He is empowering you to be an even better mom than you thought you could be!

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