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March 21, 2023

I have not kept Your righteousness to myself, sealed up in the secret places of my heart; instead, I boldly tell others how You save and how loyal You are. I haven’t been shy to talk about Your love, nor have I been afraid to tell Your truth before the great assembly of Your people. Psalm 40:10 (VOICE)

Over the past several days, I’ve been telling stories of people I’ve shared Jesus with. As you ask God for opportunities, it’s becomes easy to tell people about the hope you've found. But it requires having your eyes open to the people around you.

I once taught at a conference in New Zealand where I told some of these stories. In a question and answer session afterward, one gentleman asked me in a haughty manner, “Why do you think God always brings these people to you? It never happens to me.”

Now, we’re called to walk in humility. I knew that in all of these instances, it wasn’t me who made the difference in people’s lives—it was God. But I felt a nudge from Holy Spirit and told the man, “If I were God and I could choose from anyone in this room to help someone who’s hurting... I would pick somebody who won’t miss the opportunity.”

Be on the lookout for who you can talk to or pray for. Be willing to cancel your plans or step out of your comfort zone. Ask God to help you become aware of the lost and hurting around you. He wants to bring people across your path so you can minister His love, healing and grace to them. The excitement and joy of seeing someone give their life to Christ is beyond anything you can imagine!

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