Enjoy the cozy scent of this 8-oz. hand-poured candle, made with soy wax and essential oils by Waxing Crescent, a small business run by Christian high school students.
This candle also comes with 2 communion sets (cracker and juice included) as well as a beautifully-designed Illuminate Canada Guide to prepare you for the upcoming candlelight service on December 19th.
Available with a gift of $100 or more AND while supplies last.
Enjoy the cozy scent of this 8-oz. hand-poured candle, made with soy wax and essential oils by Waxing Crescent, a small business run by Christian high school students.
This candle also comes with 2 communion sets (cracker and juice included) as well as a beautifully-designed Illuminate Canada Guide to prepare you for the upcoming candlelight service on December 19th.
Available with a gift of $100 or more AND while supplies last.
If you're committed to standing in prayer with us for our nation, add your name, where you're praying from and your prayer for Canada in the form below. Let's see this webpage covered with audacious, faith-filled prayers from believers across the country!
Salvation !
Ameliasburgh Ontario
That the correct leaders would get into office to lead our nation forward, and keep it free for our children’s future.
Is for Peace and Prosperity
Kimberley British Columbia
I pray for Canada to have godly leaders in government & in all areas of major influence; to promote God's truth in our schools & protect our kids; for people to stand up for what's right! And Canada known as God's country!
Warman, Sask.
My prayer is this song...
Hampshire UK
I declare that God is moving in the hearts and minds of Canadians, giving them the courage to take a stand for truth, freedom and justice. He is also protecting , guiding and strengthening them in their efforts.
Waskatenau, AB
I am praying for the Holy Spirit to move through the Church, out in the world, stirring the hearts of unbelievers, shaking them to their core with a need for Jesus and filling their God-shaped emptiness with love and light. I am praying JESUS for my family
Rocky Mountain House, AB
That people see Jesus while seeing Canada
Not in Canada. In Ghana and Trusting that the Lord makes a way for me to join Canada soon.
Praying for the depressed, distressed youngsters, the needy, sick and broken people
Jabalpur, india
My prayer for my First Nation is for the youth of it to come to know JESUS in a personal way. They've been dying left, right and center from drug overdose and alcoholism.
Saddle Lake, Alberta.
To make Canada free again! To remove leaders who are not in their seat of authority for the right reasons and replace them with leaders who follow God!!!! Leaders who will lead this country for the people.
Lac du Bonnet MB
A country undivided with freedom for all, not just select minority groups.
Winnipeg, MB
For people across the nation to know Jesus!
Winnipeg, MB
I pray that this country will remain based on Judeo Christian principles.
That Christians across Canada will not give up, nor be complacent ... including myself
Sherwood Park, Alberta
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give our leaders the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of their understanding being enlightened; that th may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the
Lang, Sk
United Family of Jesus Always VICTORIOUS Alive!
Fort McMurray Alberta
That intimate partner violence and family violence will decrease as we work with both victim-survivors and perpetrators of abuse. There is such an epidemic of IPV/FV in this country, in Winnipeg...
Winnipeg, MB
salvation of souls
Let God arise over Canada and Let justice and righteousness rule and reign over Canada
Praying for our great nation of Canada that our leaders in government, education, heath care, media, the arts, Churches, sports, and businesses and in return to our roots in Judeo-Christian principles.
Winnipeg MB
I pray for unity, peace & truth to prevail in Canada!
Winnipeg, Manitoba
I thank God for continuous blessings and for making Canada prosperous. I am praying for all the people in Canada to know Jesus and have a personal relationship with Him.
Winnipeg Manitoba
That the youth of our nation would find hope in Jesus.
My prayer for is the same as for my family
Steinbach, Manitoba
My prayer for Canada 🇨🇦 is what the Prophet Joel said , in the last days God said I will pour my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, old men dream dreams, young men see visions. Wake up call coming to Canada and the Church!
Steinbach, Manitoba
I pray that leaders who have the heart of God, the passion to lead our country back to God be put into position! I pray for our parents to awaken to the evil influences around their children and Stand!
Winnipeg, MB
I pray that Canada will make a law to protect our unborn babies!
Medicine Hat, Alberta
My prayer for Canada
Grande Prairie Alberta
We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide and direct leaders to make better choices that that our country can be a light and a country that follows and believes in God and His Laws!
Steinbach Manitoba
Family Unit of four Fort McMurray Alberta to Gain Full Time WORK and Friend Ron Wood and His Family to Recovery Physically and Financially in Retirement !
Fort McMurray Alberta
Residents in Canada, Children and Adults will come to the through knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and live for Him and Him alone. Proverbs 14:34: Uprightness and right standing with God (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation).
Niagara Falls, Ontario
That the citizens of Canada would come to know Christ and the veil of deception would be lifted from their eyes and they would recognize truth..
Calgary, AB
I pray that this nation will mirror God’s kingdom in every way, in Jesus’ name.
Calgary,, Alberta
Hope, healing and salvation for Canada 🇨🇦 🙏
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Heath Peace Wisdom
Gatineau Québec Canada
He will
Weston, Ontario
For a return to Christian value, for openness and truthfulness in our government and school systems.
Kingsville, Ontario
Praying for Canada!!
Halifax, NS
Praying and believing for Canadians to experience the light and hope that Jesus brings and for Christians to be the salt and light in their sphere of influence.
That people will choose Jesus as their Lord & Savior
Winnipeg, Manitoba
We as believers in Christ would have the audacity to speak out and that we will know the right time as the Spirit of God directs divine appointments, even if it is one person at a time.
Dundas, Ontario
That all will come to know Jesus and that all leaders will lead in God's will. Amen
Stonewall MB
That first and foremost, the Church will become One, Anointed by the Holy Ghost and Fire 🔥: Casting out devils, healing the sick, raising the dead, and that the Gospel of Grace be preached first; then a demonstration of Power and Glory to everyone.
Calgary, Alberta
For peoples hearts all across this nation be open to accept Jesus
Berwyn, Alberta
For the youth to come to their true identity in Christ Jesus.
Abuja, Nigeria
I pray for the prosperity of Canada, that we will use our natural resources to propel Canada’s future ahead with jobs and income for the generations to come. That more citizens will come to Jesus and use our wealth as a nation to grow the church of Jesus!!
More and more people would come to know the Lord Jesus in this country! Also, we would have leaders come to know the Lord.
Ridgetown, Ontario
May God set Canada ablaze with His Glory!! Send a Revival Awakening!!!
Sombra, Ontario
For spiritual revival for all people in Canada and for biblical leadership for our nation.
Innisfail, AB.
Praying for Government and Health Authorities to be run by Christians,
Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan
Dear Lord, Our heart cries out for Canada to come back to a faith in God, that our nation was founded on ! We ask Lord, that you’ll turn the hearts of the people back to YOU; Cause them to come Lord, And to bow their knees , and call on You Lord; And
For Canada to have great Christian leaders whom are lead by the Holy Spirit and everyone will see the light coming from our beautiful country ! Love for our neighbours and fellow man 🙏
God would be prominent, more Godly Nation! To bring back the Lord’s Prayer in every school..
Parksville, BC
Lord we praise You for Your wonderful working power! Release more of Your light! Thank You for Your love Amen
Lethbridge AB
My prayer for Canada is that all people will come to know Jesus and receive salvation. I pray especially for my children and grandchildren to become believers.
Winnipeg., Manitoba
Oro por Canadá para que el evangelio sea liberado con poder, con unción, con poder. Que los oídos de la población sean abiertos a la Palabra y que muchos crean en el Señor y que esos nuevos creyentes sean líderes comprometidos en la expansión del evangelio
Tocaima, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Holy spirit, Take control and restore faith in people's lives
Lagos, Nigeria
My prayer for Canada is men and women will be convicted by the Holy Spirit to accept Jesus Christ'
Accra, Ghana
My priere pour le Canada est que nous appuyons l"un et l'autre avec amour et respect comme le Seigneur nous a enseigner. Pour enfin donner l'example aux futurs generations a venir. Amen
Cornwall Ontario
May justice and righteousness rule our nation
The right leaders are in God’s plan and successfully follow His direction.
Roseau River, MB
Prayer that Gods Glory rests over Canada. That righteous government is restored.
Winnipeg mb
Wake up Canada and show our prime ministers your true ways our Lord and that you are reel for them to come to you and deliver us from fake news and decline
Mirabel, Qc
That those that do not know Christ,
Chatsworth, Ontario
That those that do not know Jesus Christ, will come to know Him personally and grow and walk with him every day.
Chatsworth, Ontario
Dear Abba, How you love all Canadians and have only good and perfect plans for each of us. May we continue to trust You with all of our hearts so that our faces reflect Your glory and may we have opportunities to tell people how much Jesus loves them.
Calgary, Alberta
May you continue to guide us to do your will to bring more love and peace through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Let us have our eyes open in these difficult times to see the good and hear the good things that are happening in this world.
Halifax, Nova Scotia
My prayer for Canada is that this nation would see a spiritual revival and people from coast to coast would fall in love with Jesus.
Winkler, MB
My prayer for Canada is that we would have Christian leaders in legislation and that our Country would remain founded on Judeo Christian principles.
I pray for the next generation, that they would draw closer to God in all they do and that God would use them to guide Canada into a brighter future.
Winnipeg, MB
I'm praying for Canada and believing that those without hope will find ALL they need (and more!) in Jesus.